This guide describes the configuration steps to enable an external captive portal in the Ruckus Cloud platform.
This guide was created using the following components:
- AP Model: Ruckus R310
- Firmware version:
- Cloud version: 21.03.11
You need to have a Venue with at least one Network Device (AP) configured in order to broadcast the Wireless Network SSID.
Wireless Network
Go to Wireless Network and click in Add Network, then a modal wizard will start.
Network Details
In the Network Details step configure the following options:
- Network Name: define your network name (eg.: Ruckus Cloud Lab)
- Network Type: select Captive Portal
Click in Next to continue.
Portal Type
In the Portal Type step choose 3rd Party Captive Portal (WISPr) as the way users gain access to the network through the captive portal:
Click in Next to continue.
In the Settings step configure the following options:
- Portal Provider: select Other Provider
- Provider Name: type CoffeeBean Wi-Fi
- Captive Portal URL: add the provided captive portal login URL
- Redirect users to: add the provided captive portal URL
Walled Garden
In the Walled Garden section, you need to configure the IPs and domains allowed to access for unauthenticated users.
Get the list of hostnames you want to enable to unauthenticated users at our documentation. Each hostname should be entered in a new line following the documentation (see question mark for formatting tips).
In the Authentication Service you set the RADIUS Authentication. Configure the following options:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server authentication port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret
In the Accounting Service you set the RADIUS Accounting. Configure the following options:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server accounting port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret
Click in Next to continue.
In the Venues step you associate your new Wireless Network settings to your current Venues by checking them:
Click in Next to continue.
At last, in the Summary step, you can double check your settings and click in Create to finish the wizard:
Customer Parameters
The summary of customer specific parameters is:
Basic Settings
Wireless Network Settings (creating) or Onboarding (editing):
- Captive Portal URL: add the provided captive portal login URL
- Redirect users to: add the provided captive portal URL
- Walled Garden: get the list of hostnames you want to allow for unauthenticated users at our documentation.
Authentication Service:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server authentication port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret
Accounting Service:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server accounting port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret