Este guia descreve as etapas de configuração para habilitar um captive portal externo na plataforma Ruckus Cloud.
O guia a seguir foi criado usando uma rede wireless Aruba com os seguintes componentes:
- AP Model: Ruckus R310
- Firmware version:
- Cloud version: 21.03.11
Você precisará ter uma localidade com ao menos um Ponto de Acesso (AP) configurado para distribuir a rede WiFi
Rede Wireless
Vá para Wireless Network e clique em Add Network, então abrirá uma janela com os passos que devem ser seguidos para fazer a configuração.
Detalhes de Rede
Em Network Details serão configuradas as seguintes opções:
- Network Name: Escolha um nome para sua rede (eg.: Ruckus Cloud Lab)
- Network Type: selecione Captive Portal
Clique em Next para continuar.
Portal Type
Em Portal Type, escolha a opções 3rd Party Captive Portal (WISPr) como a forma que os usuários ganharão acesso a rede através do captive portal:
Clique em Next para continuar.
Em Settings configure as opções abaixo:
- Portal Provider: selecione Other Provider
- Provider Name: tipo CoffeeBean Wi-Fi
- Captive Portal URL: informe a Login URL fornecida pela CoffeeBean
- Redirect users to: informe a URL de Boas Vindas fornecida pela CoffeeBean
Walled Garden
Na seção Walled Garden, voce deve configurar os IPs ou dominios que devem ser permitidos para os usuários não autenticados.
Get the list of hostnames you want to enable to unauthenticated users at our documentation. Each hostname should be entered in a new line following the documentation (see question mark for formatting tips).
In the Authentication Service you set the RADIUS Authentication. Configure the following options:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server authentication port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret
In the Accounting Service you set the RADIUS Accounting. Configure the following options:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server accounting port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret
Click in Next to continue.
In the Venues step you associate your new Wireless Network settings to your current Venues by checking them:
Click in Next to continue.
At last, in the Summary step, you can double check your settings and click in Create to finish the wizard:
Customer Parameters
The summary of customer specific parameters is:
- Wireless Network Settings (creating) or Onboarding (editing):
- Captive Portal URL: add the provided captive portal login URL
- Redirect users to: add the provided captive portal URL
- Walled Garden: get the list of hostnames you want to allow for unauthenticated users at our documentation.
- Authentication Service:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server authentication port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret
- Accounting Service:
- IP Address: the RADIUS server IP according to your environment/region
- Port: the RADIUS server accounting port according to your environment/region
- Shared Secret: the provided RADIUS client secret